What is Natural Cycles?

Natural Cycles is the only FDA-cleared birth control app that uses an algorithm to determine your daily fertility status based on your body temperature. It’s completely hormone-free and works in three steps:

  1. Measure your temperature and input your result in the app.
  2. Let the algorithm calculate your fertility.
  3. Use your results to understand your cycle! The app will alert you if you’re fertile so you can plan or prevent pregnancy naturally. 


Crafting the Vibe

We designed three bedside table room sets to represent these key points while adding relatability elements to different lifestyles and circumstances. Overall, our imagery aims to demonstrate the ease of the product– roll over in bed, input your temperature and data, and you’re done!

To properly reflect Natural Cycle’s brand, we used lots of lights to create a luminous, airy atmosphere and neutral-colored fabrics and designs to complement our theme. Similar yet bright tonal values demonstrated the usability and ease of the product and highlighted the importance of taking your temperature and tracking your vitals early in the day. Props, such as baby monitors, wedding rings, vibrators, crystals, and alarm clocks, were used on the bedside table to create relatable environments regardless of parenthood or marital status.

An Oura ring on a ringer holder
A tattooed hand holding a purple thermometer
An apple watch resting on top of a rose quartz crystal

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