over and over and over and over and over
and over and over and over
and over and over and over
“Emulations of Love” explores the places where we can find the likeness of ourselves in others.
Thoughts on The Fool tarot card by CB.
A silly goose is on the loose!
A brief history of clowns by Lily!
Little Billy gets an unexpected visitor in the middle of the night!
I’m Sorry, Try Again I’m Sorry, Try Again I’m Sorry, Try Again I’m Sorry, Try Again I’m Sorry, Try Again I’m Sorry, Try Again
Drive to Wegmans with Lisa Kribs
Haiku & visual by CB Brown
A random list of songs that remind me of cycles.
i like to look at the disco ball when it’s spinning around and around and around and around and around and around
Digitally-made zine printed on paper.