We are elated to announce that TGW Studio founder Lisa Kribs has received the very first Trailblazer Award from AAF Greater Rochester for their continuous efforts and achievements in redefining the workplace.
The Trailblazer Award, the AAF’s newest award category, was created to recognize outstanding advertising professionals who made a significant, meaningful impact on their clients, customers, company, and/or community in 2022, resulting in the betterment of all involved.
The criteria for this award included highlighting a proven record of positive change for either personal or professional initiatives that have occurred within the last calendar year—all of which Lisa has implemented with resounding care and grace. As part of the award selection process, the Trailblazer Award winner is selected by past AAFGR (RAF) presidents.
During their award speech, Lisa spoke to audience members directly: “Whether you’re B2B, B2C, nonprofit, for-profit—whatever sector you’re a part of, for better or worse, what you do impacts our culture profoundly and very powerfully. You all have a lot of power.”
Lisa also shared some insight as to how marketing agencies can prioritize social impact: “Find and work with reciprocal partners who can hold you accountable, and therefore you can hold them accountable with their inclusivity goals. Invest in budgets to reach underrepresented communities authentically.”
In 2020, Lisa and the TGW Studio team made waves by becoming the first-ever Rochester agency to successfully implement a 4-Day workweek—landing them a feature in TIME Magazine.

Lisa’s achievements over the past decade here at TGW have been nothing less than enormously impactful on their employees, partners, and the community of Rochester. As a creative, strategist, and revolutionary thinker, Lisa consistently strives to do things differently and redefine the methods of traditional marketing by leveraging their varied and broad skills and experience.
Guided by the power of optimism, activism, and the need for cultural change, Lisa and the TGW Studio team emphasize the importance of diverse design and social impact in transforming communications and communities. TGW helps our partners say what they mean, and mean what they say.
Interested in learning how TGW can help your business or organization? Get in touch today: