
Neverwhere, by Neil Gaiman
"Neil Gaiman never fails to tell a gripping story, and this one is no different. The urban fantasy novel follows Richard Mayhew after his discovery of a dark and secret world directly underneath the streets of London, England. Neverwhere is full of monsters, angels and cliff-hangers, perfect for anyone looking for a literary escape." - Lily Garnaat

When She Woke, by Hillary Jordan
"This story takes place in a dystopian society where if someone commits a crime, they undergo genetic mutation to change the color of their skin to match their offense. Brilliant premise, interesting fallout." - Kristina Button

Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me, by Mariko Tamaki
"Sometimes you just need a good coming of age story to help appease the teenager in you. This sweet graphic novel follows high schooler, Freddy Riley, as she learns to love herself over her not-so-great girlfriend. Every page is beautiful and such a treat to experience." - Courtney Brown

Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott
"After watching the movie I was inspired to read Little Women again to spot the differences between the book and the film and find out which I liked better!" - Emma Lenz

Maniac Magee, by Jerry Spinelli
"One of the best books from my childhood, this fiction page-turner shares the legendary stories of a kid who leaves his home and hits the ground running, literally. Along his journey, he changes the lives of each person he meets. Touching, entertaining, fun." - Kristina Button

The Wall in The Middle of the Book, by Jon Agee
"I love this book because it has a great message that is told with humor - a wall does not protect you from "the other side" and perhaps those that live on the "other side" are helpful and kind." - Shelly Thomas

Come With Me, by Holly M. McGhee
"Again, this book has a wonderful message. The news may tell of all the horrible things happening in the world and might make us fearful, but we all can play a roll in spreading the good and have the power to overcome the bad." - Shelly Thomas

Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth, by Oliver Jeffers
"The illustrations in this book, alone, are enough of a reason to read it. However, it's a well-written book that addresses our atmosphere, outer space, our planet, and the different forms of life that habitat it. It's so great!" - Shelly Thomas

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, by Oliver Sacks
"In this collection of essays, Oliver Sacks uses case studies to illustrate how the brain works and, more interestingly, the bizarre things that can happen when it doesn't. If you're interested in neurology, this classic should be on your shelf." - Courtney Brown

Winners Take All, by Anand Giridharadas
"With this book and through Twitter, he's been drastically changing the way I look at philanthropy given today's societal structure and massively expanding income inequality and racial inequality. It's causing a lot of very strong positions I thought I had and was vocal about to be questioned and flipped right the hell around." - Gavin Thomas
Coffee Table Books

Dream Baby Dream, by Jimmy Marble
"A collection of vibrant photographs that are lovely to look through during your morning cup of coffee." - Kristina Button

The Encyclopedia of Survival Techniques, by Alexander Stillwell
"1. The demonstrative illustrations + danger icons throughout are a brilliant pairing 2. It immediately strikes my 'I was I could have been a boy scout' nerve & 3. I'm no prepper but I do like the idea of having a few skills if the lights go out and stay out." - Lisa Kribs
Those in WNY reading. How about this for a winter activity?
“We checked out the Grand Opening of the first-ever Goodwill Bookstore last weekend. My take: one-of-a-kind, some good titles and the cheapest option before the library.” – Lisa Kribs