archaeologist finding a fossilized face mask in the desert

Chewing on 2020: TGW Time Capsule

2020 was a hell of a year. Let’s take a look at the things that kept us going through elections, a pandemic, and at-home haircuts.

computer with a big family zoom call

Big Family Zoom Calls

“That time when one of your bestest partners lined up Danielle Ponder to sing, perform, and talk about Intersectionality to their entire staff, via Zoom. Gestures like this have meant a lot during a really isolating year for us all. Seeing the families and kids smiling and jamming out to Danielle’s performance reminded me of the days that will come again, if we can all stay patient a bit longer.” –Lisa Kribs, Founding Partner

puzzle being put together

A Puzzle

“There is something lovely about the practice of getting into a puzzle, a pastime I have found a love for in 2020. You are taking part in a creative work of art while letting your mind wander to wherever it needs to be that day. A lot of things felt out of place this year and forced us to be still; looking forward to seeing how we piece our world back together in 2021.” –Kristina Button, Content Creator

Shelly's running sneakers

My Trusty Sneakers

“2020 was a year – it had the good, the bad, and the ugly. For me, one thing that symbolizes the year for me was my trusty old kicks that ran over 400 miles. Call it what you want – exercise, meditation, therapy. These kicks carried me through 2020.” –Shelly Thomas, Engagement Lead

shelf of cookbooks

Many, Many Cookbooks

“I grew up with parents that loved to cook; having dinner as a family every evening brought us together. It was really nostalgic to remake all my favorite family recipes, like shepherd’s pie, homemade mac n’ cheese, and Cornish pasties.” –Lily Garnaat, Designer

Hair Cutting Scissors

“I’m no sociologist, but I’m willing to bet that 2020 saw more at-home haircuts in the US than any year in recent history. Many used to keeping it up to the professionals were forced to either embrace the mullet or take a risk in their bathroom mirror. I personally find cutting my hair to be empowering, and allows me to fully focus on self-care for a moment. I wonder if those doing it for the first time this year were pleasantly surprised by a similar feeling.” –Courtney Brown, Creative Lead

Founded in 2012 by Lisa Kribs, TGW Studio is an LGBTQ+/non-binary/women-owned and -operated social impact marketing firm that partners with forward-thinking brands to tell their stories. We’re a full-service marketing firm proudly creating and communicating purposeful experiences for businesses and organizations across sectors and society.

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