Interior of the TGW Studio office showing a conference room with chairs, picnic table, and photography set up

Intern Highlight: Alison Lindsey

Gif of TGW Studio intern Alison Lindsey holding a toy bicycle
Alison Lindsey, Design Intern

What (in your own words) do you do?
I create Whatever and wherever I can. I feel very fortunate to be able to make art through many different forms. I paint, illustrate, design, and write music.

What drew you to TGW?
I first encountered TGW when my band, Sugar Glider, played a Sofar Sounds show at the studio. I was attracted to the environment and culture the space hosted. I was looking for a place to foster my development as a graphic designer, and I want what I do to have value in my community. I think TGW shares my values.

What is the best underrated spot in Rochester?
Cedar. Best pita in town.

If you could meet one musician, dead or alive, who would it be?
Thao Nguyen, of Thao & The Get Down Stay Down. She has a super unique way of expressing a story. I started learning banjo after watching a video of her song Holy Roller, on KEXP

Thanks to Alison for all her hardwork this semester! Interested in interning with TGW? Learn more.

Founded in 2012 by Lisa Kribs, TGW Studio is an LGBTQ+/non-binary/women-owned and -operated social impact marketing firm that partners with forward-thinking brands to tell their stories. We’re a full-service marketing firm proudly creating and communicating purposeful experiences for businesses and organizations across sectors and society.

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