Photo of the TGW Studio space

Intern Highlight: Emma Lenz

We are excited to see a new face in the studio! Meet this semester’s Account Intern, Emma Lenz, a marketing guru that is ready to take the industry by storm. 


A series of pictures of Emma reading a bookWhy TGW?

I love that TGW is passionate about working with clients that have the same values. The 1% for the planet was a huge selling point for me because it shows how much TGW really cares about making the world a better place.  


What’s one thing people don’t know about you?

I’ve always secretly wanted to write for a comedy show.

If you could meet anyone and share a meal, who would it be and what would you eat?

I would love to meet Iskra Lawrence. She’s such an inspiration to me. We would have a huge feast with all of our favorite foods. 

In what ways have you surprised yourself through the college experience?

I never thought I would have the guts to really go after what I want. Whether it’s been going abroad, reaching out to people I admire for career advice, or even starting a club, I have become sure of myself in a way that I never thought would be possible. 

What are you looking forward to after graduation?

Getting to do marketing all the time. I’m over taking electives.

Founded in 2012 by Lisa Kribs, TGW Studio is an LGBTQ+/non-binary/women-owned and -operated social impact marketing firm that partners with forward-thinking brands to tell their stories. We’re a full-service marketing firm proudly creating and communicating purposeful experiences for businesses and organizations across sectors and society.

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