TGW Studio: its windows covered in post-it notes so they create the Inclusive Pride flag

New Content Producer: Meet Julia!

Good things happen in 3s! In the last few months, we’ve welcome Raven, Beal and now we’re thrilled to introduce you to Julia! A Geneseo grad, Julia joined our team in July, where she most recently was working for a large agency here in Rochester. We sat down with Julia to get the scoop on who she is and why she loves marketing. Here’s what she had to say!

What got you interested in marketing/strategy/design?

I’ve always been an avid writer. My parents work in publishing, so I think it was instilled in me at a very young age. I initially went to college to study media and journalism, but I quickly realized journalistic writing was just not for me. I needed something with a little more creativity and wiggle room. I wrote for my school newspaper’s Op-Ed section, I freelanced as an entertainment/lifestyle writer (You know those listicles with a lot of gifs? That was all me), and I really loved writing academic papers. I found a career path in digital marketing shortly after school and realized how much I enjoyed writing quick, punchy copy that kept branding and design in mind. I love creating marketing content because you kind of get to be a whole new person depending on the brand you’re working with.

Do you have any weird or unexpected talents?

I can play a few instruments! My Granddad was a jazz musician, so my mom and her sisters played music growing up, as did all of my cousins. I’m very rusty these days, but it’s still a hobby I return to fairly frequently. The piano was my first love, but I attempt the guitar now and then. I can also name all of the US presidents in order.

What fictional or nonfictional character or person most impacted you as a kid?

I watched a ton of PBS cartoons as a kid. Unfortunately, the one character that seemed to resonate with me most was DW from Arthur (Arthur’s bratty little sister). It got to the point where I started acting like her. I wasn’t allowed to watch Arthur after that.

What's an unpopular or obscure opinion that you'll never back down from?

I sleep with my socks on. I never thought this was controversial, but people are very anti-sock-sleeping, as it turns out.

3 fun facts about Julia:

  • I’m a lefty, but only for writing! For most other things, I use my right hand. 
  • I’m super fascinated by childbirth, and it’s my dream to eventually get my doula certification. 
  • I was recently given a record player by a friend of mine and have finally started my own record collection! Please send all record recs my way.

Founded in 2012 by Lisa Kribs, TGW Studio is an LGBTQ+/non-binary/women-owned and -operated social impact marketing firm that partners with forward-thinking brands to tell their stories. We’re a full-service marketing firm proudly creating and communicating purposeful experiences for businesses and organizations across sectors and society.

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