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TGW Studio Intern Program: Meet Iree!

A SUNY Broome and soon-to-be Roberts Wesleyan grad, we sat down with Iree to learn more about her and her experience working with us during her last semester at Roberts. Here are a few things she had to say: 

What got you interested in marketing?

Honestly, the answer is quite simple: I am passionate about the artistry, creativity, and power behind words. As someone who enjoys hearing about others’ experiences and their impact on their lives, I first fell in love with reading and writing in grade school. Recognizing the meaning in others’ stories is powerful, and marketing allows people a unique way to tell theirs. 

What did you hope to gain from your internship experience?

Initially, I was looking to improve my intrapersonal and interpersonal skills in the workplace and deepen my understanding of the field. As time has progressed, I have ultimately gained SO much more than that. Not only have I learned lots of useful knowledge regarding industry trends and practices, but I have also expanded my professional network and worked alongside an incredibly caring, earnest, and hardworking team. My very first internship experience has been nothing less than wonderfully insightful, rewarding, and enriching—all the thanks goes to TGW for the wonderful opportunity! 

Do you have any weird or unexpected talents?

I know how to drive a tractor and ride horses! My family had our very own horse farm growing up. Yeehaw! 🤠

What book, TV show, movie, or game most impacted you as a kid?

There are a TON of games that impacted me as a kid so it’s very difficult for me to choose just one. Before my father retired, he owned a buy/sell/trade store and sold countless video games and video game systems. I have many fond childhood memories with him playing games on the N64—which was also one of the first systems I ever played on. 

What's an unpopular or obscure opinion you'll never back down from?

Hot take, I know, but I’m not fond of red sauce. Yes, I will eat pizza, but only if the cheese-to-sauce ratio is AT LEAST 80/20.

3 fun facts about Iree:

  • I have a cat named Bug (aka Mr. Bug/Buggy boy/Buggernutsquash). 
  • I love reading poetry that hits you right in your feels—so cathartic! (And before you ask, yes, I am a Cancer.) 
  • I thoroughly enjoy going on spontaneous road trips, seeing new breathtaking sights, and practicing my amateur photography skills. 

Interested in joining TGW's intern program?

Founded in 2012 by Lisa Kribs, TGW Studio is an LGBTQ+/non-binary/women-owned and -operated social impact marketing firm that partners with forward-thinking brands to tell their stories. We’re a full-service marketing firm proudly creating and communicating purposeful experiences for businesses and organizations across sectors and society.

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