spectra tgw studio

What Pride Means To Us

Where were you on June 28, 1969? This was years before many of us were even born, yet we still feel the ripple effects of the events that took place in Manhattan on this summer day.

The Stonewall Riots

The Stonewall riots of 1969 were a catalyst; they catapulted the issue of LGBTQ rights to the forefront of America’s cultural revolution where they could no longer be ignored or dismissed.

And although these events happened nearly 50 years ago, LGBTQ rights are just as important today as they were back then. The legacy of the Stonewall riots is alive and well in 2018 as the LGBTQ community and its allies continue to fight the good fight on several fronts.

Sure, we’ve come a long way as a society when it comes to equality, but we still have a long way to go. Our current highly-polarized social and political climates are stark reflections of this, yet positive change is continually creating a more inclusive culture.


For us, Pride means a number of things, especially as an LGBTQ-owned and operated business. Not only are we taking a stance against discrimination and violence against the LGBTQ community, but we’re also using our platform to promote equality, inclusivity, visibility, and so much more.

That’s a huge part of why we created our Pride Guide – a resource that highlights businesses, organizations, and safe-spaces in our community that celebrate LGBTQ rights. We’re thrilled to be apart of such a dynamic, progressive city that’s brimming with do-gooders dedicated to equality.

By no means is this guide complete. We encourage you to create a free account on This Good World and rally with us by adding businesses or organizations that are LGBTQ allies and safe spaces. We’re proud to live and work in one of the most LGBTQ-friendly metro areas in the U.S., and we want the rest of the world to know amazing Rochester is.

Our culture, both as a city and as a country, wouldn’t be the vibrant and resilient patchwork that it is without the contributions of the LGBTQ community. And as we march in this year’s Pride Parade, we march in honor of those who came before, those yet to come, and for all those committed to human rights. Join us in our commitment to creating positive social change.

Founded in 2012 by Lisa Kribs, TGW Studio is an LGBTQ+/non-binary/women-owned and -operated social impact marketing firm that partners with forward-thinking brands to tell their stories. We’re a full-service marketing firm proudly creating and communicating purposeful experiences for businesses and organizations across sectors and society.

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